5 Strategies to help you save money on credit card bills
Before anything else you should acquaint yourself with the fact that it’s not going to be a daunting task if you practice some strict discipline when it comes to your credit card bills. Follow the simple strategies discussed below and save money on your credit card bills easily.
Put together all the information: The
first thing you should do is compile and put together all the relevant
information regarding your credit card debt. Now, for this you might have to
gather all your credit card statements and that too for each card you’ve got.
Once that’s done, take care to determine the interest rate, if there’s any
available credit on the credit cards plus the current balance that you happen
to owe. The idea is to essentially know where you stand.
Get in touch with credit card companies: Once you’ve done the above, then it’s time for you to
get in touch with each of your credit card companies. You’ve simply got to ask
them to reduce the rate of interest on your cards. This can be possible for
you’ve got to understand that there are several credit card companies out there
which offer interest rates ranging from low to high. So you might as well
negotiate knowing that there are other credit card companies waiting for you
out there. If any representative doesn’t offer you a lower rate of interest,
then you can easily inform them that you’re switching over to a company that’s
offering you a better deal.
Use extra income to pay down balance:
Next, you must make proper use of any extra income that you generate to pay
down your balance. Unexpected or bonus income should always be used for this
purpose. Moreover, you shouldn’t forget the fact that more the balance, higher
will be the rate of interest. So lowering your balance is bound to prove
effective. Simple steps like selling items you no longer need will help you
generate extra cash easily.
Check for the card with maximum credit: You should also check your credit card statements and
determine which of your cards have got the maximum available credit and the
lowest rate of interest. This is important for you can then use this particular
card to pay off balances on other high interest cards.
Keep a definite track of your progress: Saving money on your credit card bills not only
requires effective action on your part, but also a proper track of your
progress. You should evaluate what you’re doing and how effective things are
proving down the line.
Keep in mind the 5
strategies that have been discussed above and take steps accordingly. Once you
practice enough discipline and take action effectively, then saving money on
your credit card bills won’t be a daunting task anymore.Author Bio: This article has been put together by Barbara Delinsky. She’s associated with a number of financial websites and she’s known to write on credit card debt related topics. Her articles are widely read and many have found it worthwhile.
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