Do a thorough background check. Browsing
a Facebook account, no matter how extensive, does not constitute a
comprehensive background check. With the number of people who want to earn money from home, it is quite easy to attract some people
who only want to know how to make money
fast. If you want to check out an applicant’s abilities or credibility,
search for as many references as you can that might have some deeper insight on
him/her. If you can gain access to documents (printed or online) such as bank
records, former employer’s evaluation, blog posts, or even just simple
testimonies from friends and former co-workers, it would already be a huge help
in painting a bigger picture of the applicant. There are also online resources/sites
that keep track of people’s job histories, especially if the applicants have
already been with them for quite a while.
Test for competency. Once you’ve verified
the applicant’s credibility, you can test his/her competency through a series
of online examinations. Obviously, the test you’re planning to administer
should be related to the skills needed for the position. For example, if you
are looking for someone to fill the position of writer, then you can have your
applicant tested for writing
abilities. If you want a transcriber, then you can employ something akin to
a speed-typing test. Whatever the case is, do not take the applicant’s word
without seeing proof.
Require a probationary period. Sometimes,
either through sheer luck or by cheating, an applicant undeservingly passes the
test. How do you save yourself from trouble then? Fortunately, this is what the
probationary period is for. Not only does it provide a certain period of time
for the applicants to learn the required skills, but it also tests the
applicant’s consistency, adaptability and knack for improvements. Obviously, it
would be more beneficial to just lay off those team members who cannot deliver.
After all, a team is only as good as its weakest member, so why keep a weak
link in place?
Once you’ve mustered all the tricks, hiring online should be
a breeze.
Author's Bio: Jeric is a freelance writer that is interested in sharing information, tips and ideas online through blogging. He has been working online for about 3 years and exploring the many ways on how to earn money online.
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